Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Action Research Plan

CHAMPS Action Research Plan
Goal: Measure the effectiveness of CHAMPS, since the implementation of it this school year.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Compare the data of office referrals from the 2011-2012 and the 2012-2013.
  • Compare the overall number of office referrals per semester and the total for the year.
Hayley Fraser
December 2012- May 2012
 Our online data base that stores the discipline records.
The data will be compared for the overall number of office referrals and types of office referrals
Create a short online survey.
-Hayley Fraser
April 2013
Survey Monkey
Create a short 5-7 question survey. Have the principal review this before I send it out to the staff.
Conduct a short online survey for the teachers complete.
Hayley Fraser
May 2013
An online survey.
The survey results will provide data from the teachers’ perspective. It will show if they feel the program is effective or not.
Use Literature resources about school wide discipline plans. This will include literature about CHAMPS and/or programs used on other campuses.
Hayley Fraser
April 2013
Internet articles
Use the articles as an additional resource for my research part of the project.
Share information gathered from the project with the principals and leadership teams.
Hayley Fraser
July 2013
Office referral data
Survey data
Share the data gathered from the project with our principals leadership teams at the summer retreat meeting. This information will later be shared with the staff at the beginning of the year. Also, this information will help guide what staff development will be needed during the upcoming year for CHAMPS.


  1. It looks like you and I are going to be doing very similar action research projects. My recommendation would be to look into specifics with the office referrals. Are there grades levels or student populations that are doing better than others? Are there areas of the school or certain teachers that are producing more referrals? How are repeat offenders affecting the data? I think this should all be mentioned in your outline. Best of luck and look forward to hearing about your findings!

  2. What a great topic! I agree with Nicholas, looking at the specifics will be very important. When I school looks at trends, we are able to see many different things. Some of the them include, time of day, area of the school, major offenders, and major offenses. All of these are important to lowering your referrals. Can't wait to see all of your findings. Good luck!

  3. Hayley: I noticed your heading is reads, "My Final Action Research Plan." As I recall (and I may be wrong), our action research is evolving. There may be things that we need change about it, resources, dates, etc. It will not be final until we write the final report (which will be in another class). Perhaps another classmate can add to my comment. Your action research project seems very interesting and seems it will produce measurable results. Good luck. jv

  4. I'd like to reiterate what Shannon and Nicholas said. Simply the number of office referrals does not tell the whole story. I agree with all the suggestions they listed.

  5. Thank you all for taking the time to leave a suggestion. They are great suggestions and I appreciate your help!!! Good Luck to each of you on your own projects!!

  6. Have you heard of the Well Managed Classroom? A colleague of mine did his Action Research Plan on discipline and those teachers who were trained in the Well Managed Classroom. I think this kind of action research plan is very beneficial as a lot of campuses have difficulties with this.

  7. Cindy,
    Thank you for this information. I have never heard of the Well Managed Classroom. I will definiately use this in my reasearch. I appreciate your help!
